Thursday, June 30, 2011


We woke up to an absolutely beautiful day again. After three full days of camp there were a bunch of weary looking campers that arrived for breakfast this morning.

Justin Morgan gave the flag talk today. He reminded us that our country is at war. He also reminded us that we are in a war that is not against flesh and blood.

As I have mentioned the young men lead a devotional time each morning. Mark Hager's and Michael Clinger's cabin led the devotional this morning. After seeing the young men lead devotional and seeing the campers during this week I want to let you know that you children have amazing hearts. I know at times that you may wonder if they are hearing you. Let me encourage you to know that they hear you and encourage you to keep on teaching them about God.

The Bible lesson today was about David and Goliath. The campers did activities to show what it would be to face a giant such a Goliath. He was defeated by a young man after he had faced down Israel's army for forty days. David with God on his side and with his faith and courage was able to defeat the giant.

The activities for today was sweet heart kickball for the older campers. Once again with a rubber ball and some room the campers had a fun time. The younger campers hiked to Milliken's overlook. For those of you who been to camp this hike is down a smaller trail that starts at the parking lot at Buzzard's roost. The cabin pictures for the younger campers were taken here as well. The pictures make it appear that the campers are standing on the edge of a drop off. I want to assure you that they were on solid ground far from the edge. The angle of the photo just made it look as if they were standing on the edge. Also since the hike did not take all of the scheduled time, the counselors sat down on one of the benches, and had the campers sit and look at them. Then each counselor said a word in succession trying to string together a story. The campers had a blast at watching their counselors, and didn't want the time to end.

Today is the last day of crafts. Today they completed any crafts that hadn't previously completed. Also they worked with wire art and with beads.
We had athletic contests in the early afternoon. At any one time there are two volleyball contests and two softball contests underway.

We went to the pool again tonight. The campers participated in a hula hoop contest, a biggest splash contest, and a craziest dive contest.

Entertainment tonight was a classic camp movie "Flash the teenage otter".

We participated in a devotional in the dining hall, and went to the B Lodge for the final devotional of the day with the older campers.

-Keith Taylor

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