Thursday, June 30, 2011


We have two days of camp behind us. Today we woke up to find an absolutely beautiful day. We couldn't have asked for a better day. As with every day we gather for breakfast. The staff have their breakfast under a tent behind the dining hall. The conversations take some interesting twists and turns. Ask us some time and we'll tell you about buffaloes and car bumpers, about wild donkeys and mini vans. After breakfast the campers and their counselors go to clean their cabins. The staff meet to get reports on what will be discussed in the bible classes, and the activities for the day. Also the staff gathers in two groups and prays for each camper.

Jeff Wilson spoke at the flag raising this morning. One of the themes that all have touched on during flag talk is that we have freedom to gather, to worship, to believe as we choose, and to be at camp. It is because of the sacrifices represented by the flag that we have that freedom.

In Bible classes the subject was the paralytic that was let down through the roof to Jesus. Russ and Rachel taught the classes today. One of the exercises that was done with the campers was for them to get in groups of five, and put one in a blanket to be carried by the other four. This exercise really gave the campers a good idea of what it took to carry the paralytic to see Jesus.

The golden broom was given out at lunch time. The winner was Kara Stockdale/Lauren King's cabin for the girls and Andrew Murray's cabin for the boys.

The activities for today for both older and younger campers is the hike to the bottom of the falls. In crafts they worked on lap desks.

Tonight is luau night. We all went to the pool to enjoy a good time.
Tonight is entertainment night. We each year are privileged to have Larry Beard come and join us. We enjoyed songs from Larry Beard, Danny, Gregg, Lisa Gregg, Chandler Seal, Clarence Seal, Steve Gaines, Carson Gregg, Nate Jenkins, and Lauren King. David Peden, after many years of developing and choreographing to the song Wild Fire performed the dance one last time with Kyle Taylor to whom he has passed the horse. Frank Batson sang his annual rendition of Elvira.

We ended the day with a devotional with all the campers in the dining hall. After this time, the older campers went to the B lodge for a devotional. This devotional is a time when the older campers really start to open up and draw near to God.

-Keith Taylor

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