Tuesday, June 28, 2011


We woke up on the second day of camp to find it raining. One of the good things about having people with a long history at camp is that they have seen all sorts of weather and know how to adjust to keep the day running smoothly. Russ captured the spirit of camp in an observation that he had this morning. He noted that when and where else would we walk 50 yards in the rain to take a shower, walk in the rain to get breakfast, and where else in the summer would you find teenagers up before 10:00.
Due to the rain, we didn't have flag raising. However, Russ gave the flag talk. He talked about a man he knew name Hilton Travis, who was captured by the Japanese in WWII and talked with us about the barbaric treatment that he suffered for 40 months. In light of this man's and many other's sacrifices, Russ asked how we can refuse for a couple of minutes to recite the pledge to the flag, or to stand during the national anthem.

Fortunately the rain ended and we only had to make minor adjustments to our day.
One of the places that holds great value in the heart of all who have been a part of camp is the B lodge. The morning devotional is composed of all campers from the youngest to the oldest. It is so good to see the entire group worship together, and to see the bond that the campers are forming with one another. The singing and devotions led by the young men is something that lifts all of our spirits.
The Bible classes today focused on the ways the campers can be transforming influences in their families. Brother Matheny gave the older campers New Testaments and some information that he has challenged them to give to someone. The younger campers did some role playing on things that they can do to be transforming influence in their families. They also wrote letters to their parents that were mailed today, so those of you with younger campers will have something that should bless you soon.

Due to the rain today, the hike to the bottom of the falls was cancelled. The path down would be too slick in the wet conditions. So today both the older and younger campers play sweet heart kickball. he older campers played sweet heart kickball. Sweet heart kickball is a game that brings some apprehension for the older campers, but brings fear to the younger campers. However once the games get underway, the fear apprehension disappear and they are able to have an unbelievable amount of fun. In fact some of us commented that it is amazing how much fun they were all having today with just a rubber ball and a field to play in. Also sweet heart kickball has a unique aspect. The rules change during the course of the game.

Today in crafts they worked on painting canvases. The Campers painted scenes to represent transformation.

Tonight was CMT to MTV karaoke night. We had a wide range of performances from the very bad to the very good. This event is hard to describe, so I would encourage you to see the video. For you information our minister performed a rap tune. In the event your were worried that he may take up rap as a second career, I want you to know that he will need to keep his day job and that you can sleep easy tonight.

The night ended with a devotional.

-Keith Taylor

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